What is Child Abduction?

What is Child Abduction?

When you both share parental responsibility for a child and you do not obtain the permission from the other parent but you remove the child or send the child out of the jurisdiction, this is child abduction.   What is Child Abduction? Child abduction is whereby a...
What happens to the house in a divorce?

What happens to the house in a divorce?

If you are considering divorce, or are going through a divorce, we understand that this can be an exceptionally challenging time, especially when you have to consider what will happen to the family home when you are legally divorced. Trying to reach an agreement in...
Tips for travelling abroad with children as a separated parent

Tips for travelling abroad with children as a separated parent

As the summer holidays approach, we know it can be a challenging time of the year for separated parents, especially when your relationship with your co-parent is fractured and made even more unbearable when it comes to discussing plans for the children over the...