In early April of this year, subject to approval, there will be an increase in fees in family law proceedings said to be in order to support efficient and effective management of His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service.
What court fees will be subject to an increase?
In respect of family court applications, the applications subject to an increase from April 2025 include the following:-
- Financial Remedy Order Applications set to increase from £303 to £313
- Financial Remedy Consent Order set to increase from £58 to £60
- Orders under the Children Act 1989 set to increase from £255 to £263.
A reduction or exemption remains available to those in receipt of certain benefits or on lower incomes.
Many who are going through a separation or a divorce may be able to resolve family disputes amicably between themselves, however, we understand some families are not able to achieve this without the help of a legal professional and may need to seek the assistance of the Court in respect of their children and/or finances.
The importance of Court Orders
Despite the increase in fees for the above applications in family law proceedings, it does not remove the importance of obtaining such an order following the breakdown of a marriage.
A Financial Order is usually applied for within or following divorce proceedings. It addresses and sets out how assets and liabilities are to be dealt with between spouses upon divorce. A Financial Order provides clarity and legal protection for both spouses so they can move forward with certainty without the possibility of a claim being made against them in the future, if a clean break has been appropriate.
Many believe that where there are no assets or limited assets, they do not need to consider a Financial Order. However, without a final Financial Order, former spouses retain the right to make a claim against the other (except in limited circumstances) which can potentially have devastating consequences.
The same can be said for Child Arrangement Orders. These orders regulate with whom a child spends time or otherwise has contact with and when. Separating parents should try to remain as amicable as possible following separation in order to facilitate child arrangements by agreement without recourse to Court. However, this is not always always possible when there are safeguarding concerns for the children and if there is a history of domestic abuse which puts the other parent and/or their children at risk.
Contact us
If you require tailored, expert legal advice in relation to any family dispute, please get in touch to book in your free 30-minute initial consultation.