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What financial claims can an unmarried parent make?
Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 gives the court powers to make financial provision for children upon application by the parent with whom the child lives (resident parent).
What is Parental Alienation?
The term “parental alienation” is not defined by statute however, it is an issue that is becoming increasingly common in Family Law proceedings. Click here to find out more…
Domestic abuse: Sharing ownership of the property we live in
Here are the legal options you may want to consider when you are living with an abusive partner and you share ownership of the property you live in.
Non-molestation and Occupation Orders
Both of these orders aim to protect individuals from further harm and they promote the safety of the individual and/or any relevant child.
What is gaslighting?
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse whereby the abuser gains complete control over their partners mind through emotional manipulation. If you think you are in an abusive relationship read our blog to help you recognise if you are in an abusive relationship.
How long does it take to get a divorce?
All applications made on or after the 6th April 2022 are applied for on a no-fault basis. This means neither party has to attribute blame to one another for the reason of their marriage breakdown. The timeline for getting a divorce finalised is a minimum of 26 weeks based upon the new legislation.
What is a Financial Order?
When you initiate divorce proceedings it is imperative to have a Financial Order so no claims can be made against you in the future.
Divorce and Cost of Living Pressures
Many people believe that financial pressures in marriages are one of the main reasons for divorce. However, this year research suggests financial pressures are the very thing keeping couples together.
How long after divorce can you claim pension?
In England and Wales, there is no time limit for making a claim against your ex-spouse’s pension following divorce, as long as a financial order has not already been made.
Protecting your retirement position on divorce
Pensions provide stability, consistency and support you financially during retirement. We believe it is vital to know and to share how you can make the initial steps for protecting your future retirement position on divorce.
Is Inheritance included in a divorce settlement?
Below we have provided some general guidance on how inheritance is treated in the event of a divorce.
What are Matrimonial and Non-Matrimonial Assets?
When couples divorce, it is commonly believed that all assets are split equally between parties however this is rarely the case. The reason behind this is when assets are put into the ‘matrimonial pot’ ready for dividing between parties it is important to distinguish between matrimonial and non-matrimonial assets.